Free Download — The Sacrifice

Like you, we are experiencing a drastically changed life experience here in Jordan as a result of the government lock-down to combat the coronavirus. However, there is one upside to being in the Middle the video explains.
As Passover approaches, we welcome you to download and watch The Sacrifice as a way to gain a deeper understanding of Jesus as the Lamb of God who willingly offered Himself as a substitute sacrifice for our sin.
**Please note that the video does contain a graphic scene of a sacrifice**
Thanks Joel
Peace of the Lord be with you!
THANK YOU, Sondi! We are blessed to know that the LORD is with us!!!
Hugs to you!
When I click on the link to download the video, i get the message: Access Denied: Request has expired.
Hi Trina! Sorry for your difficulty with the download. I’ll email a new link to you.
Thank you Joel and Kathy please stay safe and God willing hope to take another trip in the future. Joel do you do a trip to Jordan.
Love from john and Lynette Pacheco
Hi John and Lynette! We were moving full steam ahead with setting up our website for a Jordan study trip, but with the arrival of the coronavirus, we have paused for now. BUT…we will do that trip in the future, and you are on the list to notify when it is a “Go” again!
We love you guys!!!
Hey brother you are in my thoughts and prayers!!
Thank you for your prayers!!! We are deeply appreciative!
I have watched a number of your videos over the years.
This one on the sacrifice I have used with our people before and am asking them all to watch again.
It is a Masterfully woven together message evoking a visceral response! And I am a deer hunter who is accustomed to blood and butchering.
I have a greater sense of the OT sacrificial system and of my Saviors Love for me because of you!
My Admin. Asst. was in tears today form that video.
I thank God for You! Your ministry and these tools!
I rarely make comments and I couldn’t NOT let you know today!
The Lord is using you!
Pastor J. Michael Jarrell
Fellowship Bible church
Philadelphia Pa.
Wow, Pastor Jarrell, this is such a blessing to hear. Your words, “I have a greater sense of the OT sacrificial system and of my Saviors Love for me…” perfectly express what I was hoping to achieve through making this film.
All praise to God and thanks to Christ, who laid down His life for ours!
“The Sacrifice” would not download from the email. It said “request denied time expired”.
Hi Bruce and sorry that you had trouble with the link. It has been working for most. I’ll email a refreshed link directly to you.
Wow, thanks Big J. for sharing “The Sacrifice” !! It explained so well, through scripture and illustration how Jesus became our sacrifice, so our sins could be forgiven, and we could be justified in Him !!
Hi Tim! It is impossible to appreciate deeply enough what He went through for us. Thanks for watching and sharing!
Hello from all of us, especially Rachel.
Hello Dear Kramers!! Sure do miss our trips to the Holy Land(s) and of course being able to see you. Val and I are here in Oregon hunkered down on a rather large, large ranch in Central Oregon. Hence, no issues with being isolated. We virtually live isolated (well, along with the deer, elk, antelope, bear, mountain lion, horses and cattle)!! Sure is nice to hear from you and remind us to seek out all the great online resources as we approach Easter. It almost seems as if we’re in some kind of sci-fi movie, but at the same time it is exciting knowing that we’re getting closer!! Gosh, looking at your latest picture is something to see how grown up the kids are and how distinguished looking you’ve become Joel!! Kathy as beautiful as ever with that amazing and beautiful smiling face! Well dear ones, just wanted to say a brief hello and to tell you we think of you regularly as we reminisce about how much we enjoyed our trips and maybe how much we might even enjoy one in the future. I’m sharing your email message with the The Sacrifice on my fb posts. Looking Up, Val & Bev Ashton
Hi Bev!
It’s great to hear from you and know that you and Val are safe. Enjoy the deer, elk, antelope, bear, mountain lions, horses and cattle for us. We’ll enjoy our two cats for you.
Much love from all us Kramers!
Praying for you, Petra and the rest of the family. Thank you for being such a faithful servant! Thank you again for sharing at a time like this.
Hi Kevin and thank you for your prayers. I’m happy to say that Petra is doing well and we are good! Praise God!!!
Joel!! Kenny and I just carved out time to sit and watch this, couldn’t be more timely to be jolted as to remember the significance of sacrifice and the miracle of Jesus’ taking our place. Grateful for your ministry to so many! Thank you!! Cathy
Hi Cathy and Kenny! Thank you for taking the time to watch and for your encouragement.
“…the significance of sacrifice and the miracle of Jesus’ taking our place.”
Thank you. I could only watch the first half because of my iPad and weak connection. It does hit my heart to think one layer more deeply about Jesus’ sacrifice for me. The music was very appropriate too. Praises to God!
Thank you for making this video available for free. After watching it, I now have a greater appreciation for the reality of an innocent being sacrificed for the guilty AND how loving our Heavenly Father is towards us who are His own, by providing a covering for our sin.
Could it have been lambs who were killed to make coverings for Adam and Eve (Genesis 4:21) after they sinned? Or how Abel honored God with his firstlings (Genesis 4:4), being obedient to what God required. Or think how hard it it must have been to kill the original passover lamb or goat (Exodus 12:3-7), since it was young and undoubtedly cute, and how sad the kids must have felt seeing it sacrificed after two weeks, enough time to become affectionate towards it. All these emotions, and then there’s Jesus Whose blood now covers us! Such is the wonder of it all, we’ll participate in memorial sacrifices during the Millennial Kingdom too (Ezekiel 43:18-27). Wow
Thank you so much for your excellent video expositions on Biblical archeology too! I trust the Lord will continue to bless your work. Peace!
Thank you so much for the video. I was shocked by the scenes. Ido appreciate the sacrificial love of Christ for sinners, including me and all mankind deeper. `The Sacrifice’ does feed my spirit, not just my mind.
Hello Kramers!! So Blessed by your amazing work! Binge watched several of your YouTube videos..what is the best way to purchase and download your Sacrifice film? Would love to share with my children as well as the ministry I work for…God Bless you!!!!
Hello! I’d love to watch this but the download isn’t working! Is it still available for me to watch it on the free download?