Who is SourceFlix?

Glad you asked! SourceFlix actually began in 2002 as Living Hope Ministries, a video ministry in our church congregation in Utah. Our initial aim was to be a source of honest information that would help people in Mormonism see their way out of the LDS church and into the truth of Christianity. The ministry was first called Living Hope Ministries, and it produced the feature videos:   DNA vs. The Book of Mormon, The Bible vs. The Book of Mormon, Called to be Free and  Lifting the Veil of Polygamy.

As the ministry grew, we saw that there were people leaving Mormonism, but sadly, too many were becoming agnostic rather than becoming Christians. While able and willing to see that Mormonism was not true, great damage had been done to their ability to have faith in the Bible, causing them to toss it out along with the Book of Mormon. We recognized that along with disseminating information about the fallacies of Mormonism, it was of equal if not GREATER importance, to provide people who were searching credible evidence showing the truth of the Bible.

So, in 2007 we made the choice to go to the "source" of Bible context-- we moved to the Middle East.  That is when we added the name, SourceFlix, which is more appropriate for operating in this region. Since being here, we've dug into the issues (and a lot of dirt!) that come against the Bible to discredit it.  In Jericho Unearthed, we  examined scholarly, academic arguments in the discipline of Archaeology that aim to tear down the reliability of the biblical account of Joshua's conquest of Jericho .  The Jesus Tomb Unmasked probed into and refuted a heresy coming from another media source which stated that "the bones of Jesus have been found."  And, in our ongoing desire to give those in Mormonism evidence for the truth and authority of the Bible, we produced the feature video The Bible vs. Joseph SmithThe Sacrifice teaches the necessity of atonement in dealing with sin, and The Soul Shepherd looks at modern-day shepherds and their flocks to bring home the truth that Jesus is indeed, The Shepherd of our souls.

Our goal while we are in the lands of the Bible isn't just to provide a defense of the Bible, however. Our cameras focus your virtual eyes on the scenes, settings, characters and events of the Bible to deepen your understanding of ancient times through what can still be seen today. In our video shorts you can see the Bible come to life:  picture David hiding out in Ein Gedi in "The Crag of the Wild Goats", Jesus' disciples fishing out in their boats on the Sea of Galilee in "Fishers of Men", Jesus as our High Shepherd in "Follow Me", and God our Father, shaping our lives in "The Potter".   We plan to have many more video shorts to come!

While we have been richly blessed to have various individuals play important roles in this ministry from its inception, as things are now, we are just a family of five -- the Kramers.  We are honored to be able to work and serve the Body of Christ.

Blessings to you!

Joel Kramer
Exec. Director

Who is SourceFlix?

We are a ministry, and we are a family...the Kramers.

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