The Passover Lamb

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Today is both Good Friday and the beginning of Passover. The day, so many thousands of years ago, innocent lambs were led into Jerusalem, to the temple…and the Lamb of God was led to the cross, to take away the sins of the world.

The Samaritan people still celebrate Passover today according to the regulations of the Law of Moses. This short video shows the ancient context of the Law’s requirement…the sacrifice of an innocent lamb, blood applied, rejoicing at death passed over and life gained. While this video stops short of showing the actual sacrifice, it brings into stark reality just what had to happen…for sin to be covered.

Praise God, Christ’s blood has covered over our sins…and when we enter into his death, then we are cleansed and raised in resurrection life with Him!

As you watch this video, we pray that recognizing the painful depth of Christ’s sacrifice will fill you with overwhelming wonder and praise at the depth of His love for you, yours and this world!





  1. Ted McCann on August 29, 2012 at 9:38 PM

    Excellent video. It really brings the scrpture to life. Thanks!

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